I really didn't have much to blog about because I was taking the thalidomide to remove the micro tumor cells found in my blood and doing my weekly IVs and all the supplements. Now I'm finished with the thalidomide and have given another twelve vials of blood to be sent to Greece for the micro tumor cell blood test. So I wait for the results which take two to three weeks. When that comes back all clear, I'm done with hardcore meds.
I get scanned again at the end of this month which I know will be clear. Then I can really get to work on the Charlie Foundation and everything else in my life that I let slide while I was sick.
I have been following the healthcare issue. I think we really have to wait to see the final outcome before commenting. We definitely need some sort of national health plan, but what worries me is that anything that’s run by our government seems to get bogged down. Don't take my word for it. Just go to the DMV or the IRS. Examples? The state Franchise Tax Board has been sending me letters with a phone number to call. I've been calling the number and leaving a message for two and a half weeks. I have not had a return call. I did get two more letters from the board, asking me to call the same phone number.
My beautiful daughter Tess sent her registration off to the DMV to get the tags for her car. That was sixweeks ago. She's been pulled over by the police for expired tags and has to bring proof to the courthouse that she mailed in renewal or pay a fine. Her proof to the court is the cashed check she sent to the DMV four and a half weeks ago.
Now imagine you're part of the new government healthcare system and you're really sick...
Need I say more?
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